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Shortest Path with Alternating Colors PHP

You are given an undirected graph with three types of edges: red, blue, and green. Each edge connects two nodes and has a positive weight associated with it. The graph is represented as an adjacency list.

Your task is to find the shortest path from the starting node to the target node, considering the constraint that you can only traverse edges of the same color alternatively.


  • The graph is undirected, and each edge connects two distinct nodes.
  • The number of nodes in the graph is N, where 1 <= N <= 1000.
  • The number of edges in the graph is M, where 1 <= M <= 5000.
  • The weight of each edge is a positive integer not exceeding 10^9.


  • N: An integer representing the number of nodes in the graph.
  • edges: A list of tuples (u, v, color, weight) representing the edges of the graph. Each tuple contains four elements:
  • u: An integer representing the source node of the edge (0-indexed).
  • v: An integer representing the destination node of the edge (0-indexed).
  • color: A string representing the color of the edge (either “red,” “blue,” or “green”).
  • weight: An integer representing the weight of the edge.


  • If there exists a valid path from the starting node to the target node, return the minimum total weight of the path.
  • If no valid path exists, return -1.


N = 5
edges = [(0, 1, "red", 10), (1, 2, "blue", 5), (0, 3, "green", 3), (3, 4, "red", 8), (4, 2, "green", 2)]
start = 0
target = 2



In this example, the graph looks like:

   0 --(red:10)-- 1 --(blue:5)-- 2
    \                /
   (green:3)  (green:2)
    \                /
     3 --(red:8)-- 4

The shortest path from node 0 to node 2 while adhering to the constraint of alternating colors is: 0 -> 1 (red: 10) -> 2. The total weight of this path is 10, which is the minimum possible.

Solution Overview:

To solve this problem, we use a variation of Dijkstra’s algorithm with additional modifications to handle the constraint of alternating colors. The algorithm maintains three distances for each node, representing the shortest path from the source node with each color (red, blue, and green). We use a priority queue to efficiently process nodes with the minimum distance while considering multiple colors.




function shortestPathWithAlternatingColors($N, $edges, $start, $target) {
    $graph = buildGraph($N, $edges);
    $inf = PHP_INT_MAX;

    $dist = array_fill(0, $N, array_fill(0, 3, $inf));
    $dist[$start][0] = $dist[$start][1] = $dist[$start][2] = 0;

    $pq = new SplPriorityQueue();
    $pq->insert([$start, 0], 0);
    $pq->insert([$start, 1], 0);
    $pq->insert([$start, 2], 0);

    while (!$pq->isEmpty()) {
        [$node, $color] = $pq->extract();

        if ($node === $target) {
            return $dist[$node][$color];

        foreach ($graph[$node] as [$nextNode, $nextColor, $weight]) {
            if ($nextColor !== $color && $dist[$nextNode][$nextColor] > $dist[$node][$color] + $weight) {
                $dist[$nextNode][$nextColor] = $dist[$node][$color] + $weight;
                $pq->insert([$nextNode, $nextColor], -$dist[$nextNode][$nextColor]);

    return -1;

function buildGraph($N, $edges) {
    $graph = array_fill(0, $N, []);
    foreach ($edges as [$u, $v, $color, $weight]) {
        $graph[$u][] = [$v, getColorIndex($color), $weight];
        $graph[$v][] = [$u, getColorIndex($color), $weight];
    return $graph;

function getColorIndex($color) {
    return $color === 'red' ? 0 : ($color === 'blue' ? 1 : 2);

// Example usage:
$N = 5;
$edges = [[0, 1, "red", 10], [1, 2, "blue", 5], [0, 3, "green", 3], [3, 4, "red", 8], [4, 2, "green", 2]];
$start = 0;
$target = 2;

echo shortestPathWithAlternatingColors($N, $edges, $start, $target); // Output: 10


1: Function shortestPathWithAlternatingColors

  • This function takes the following parameters:
    • $N: An integer representing the number of nodes in the graph.
    • $edges: A list of tuples representing the edges of the graph, each tuple containing (u, v, color, weight), where u and v are node indices, color represents the color of the edge (“red,” “blue,” or “green”), and weight is the weight associated with the edge.
    • $start: The index of the starting node.
    • $target: The index of the target node.

2: Function buildGraph:

  • This function takes $N and $edges as inputs and builds the graph representation using an adjacency list.
  • The graph is stored as an array, where each node index is associated with an array of its neighboring nodes along with the color and weight of the connecting edge.

3: Function getColorIndex:

  • This function takes a string $color as input (representing “red,” “blue,” or “green”) and returns the corresponding index (0, 1, or 2) that represents the color in the algorithm.

4: Initialization:

  • We initialize three arrays:
  • $dist: A 2D array to store the shortest distances from the starting node to each node with each color (0 for red, 1 for blue, and 2 for green). All distances are initialized to a large positive value (PHP_INT_MAX).
  • $pq: A priority queue to store nodes with their corresponding colors and their distances. We insert the starting node with each color (0, 1, and 2) into the priority queue with distance 0.
5: Dijkstra’s Algorithm:
  • While the priority queue is not empty, we extract the node with the minimum distance along with its color.
  • For each neighbor of the current node, we check if we can reach it by traversing an edge of a different color. If so, we update the distance and insert the neighbor into the priority queue if its distance is decreased.
  • We repeat this process until we reach the target node or the priority queue becomes empty.
6: Output:
  • If we find a valid path from the starting node to the target node, we return the minimum total weight of the path.
  • If no valid path exists, we return -1.
7: Example Usage:
  • In the example usage, we set the graph parameters and call the shortestPathWithAlternatingColors function with the provided graph and starting and target nodes.
  • Upon execution, the output is printed, and in this specific scenario, it will show a value of 10. This numeric value indicates the minimum total weight of the shortest path from node 0 to node 2, achieved by strictly adhering to the constraint of alternating colors throughout the entire path

This solution utilizes Dijkstra’s algorithm to efficiently find the shortest path with alternating colors from the starting node to the target node in the graph. It considers the weight of each edge and the colors they represent to achieve the desired outcome.


The logic used to solve the “Shortest Path with Alternating Colors” problem is a variation of Dijkstra’s algorithm, which is a widely used algorithm for finding the shortest path in a graph. In the original Dijkstra’s algorithm, the goal is to find the shortest path from a single source node to all other nodes in the graph. However, in this problem, we have an additional constraint of alternating colors for the edges.

The key modifications to Dijkstra’s algorithm for this problem are as follows:

1: Graph Representation:

  • The graph is represented using an adjacency list, where each node is associated with an array of its neighboring nodes, along with the color and weight of the connecting edge.

2: Multiple Distances for Each Node:

  • In traditional Dijkstra’s algorithm, we maintain a single distance for each node, representing the shortest path from the source node. In the “Shortest Path with Alternating Colors” problem, we encounter the need to maintain three distances for each node, corresponding to the colors red, blue, and green. This ensures that we consider the constraint of alternating colors while determining the shortest path from the source node to each specific node in the graph.

3: Priority Queue with Multiple Colors:

  • The priority queue used in the algorithm needs to consider multiple colors. Instead of using a standard priority queue based on distances, we use a priority queue based on both the node index and the color. This way, we can explore paths with alternating colors.

4: Traversal with Alternate Colors:

  • As we traverse the graph, we ensure that we exclusively consider edges of the same color as the previous one. For instance, if we traverse an edge of color “red,” we must subsequently choose edges of “blue” or “green” colors for the next traversal step.

5: Updating Distances:

  • When updating distances for neighboring nodes, we consider the color of the current edge and the next edge to ensure that we are only adding distances for edges of the same color. This way, we maintain the constraint of alternating colors.

By incorporating these modifications, we efficiently find the shortest path with alternating colors from the starting node to the target node in the given graph. The algorithm’s time complexity is generally O(V log V + E), where V is the number of nodes and E is the number of edges in the graph, considering the use of a priority queue for efficient processing.

This type of question is also available on LeetCode. You can try solving it using the above code and make any necessary changes to adapt it to the problem on LeetCode. Good luck with your coding endeavors!

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