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Adding a Hidden Field in Drupal: A Step-by-Step Guide


In Drupal, the standard form fields are vital for capturing and displaying data. However, sometimes you need to work with hidden fields, a feature not readily available in the default options. In this post, we’re going to show you how to create a hidden field module in Drupal. This module will empower you to add hidden fields with ease, enhancing your ability to pass data and customize your forms. We’ve started with the basics, and in the coming days, we’ll be expanding the module’s features. So, let’s dive in and learn how to create hidden fields and assign values within your Drupal site

Step 1: Install and Run Drupal

  • If you haven’t already installed Drupal on your site, follow the installation instructions here.

Step 2: Open Your Site in Your Preferred IDE

  • While we recommend an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), you can use your preferred code editor. In this example, we’ll use Visual Studio Code (VSCode).

Step 3: Create a Custom Module Folder

  • Inside the ‘modules’ folder in your Drupal installation, create a ‘custom’ folder.

Step 4: Place the Custom Hidden Field Module File

  • Download the custom hidden field module file and place it in the ‘custom’ folder.

Step 5: Install the Module in Drupal

  • In your Drupal admin panel, go to ‘Extend’ and search for the module name. Install it.

Step 6: Create a Hidden Field

  • Go to ‘Structure’ > ‘Content types’ and select your desired content type.
  • Click ‘Manage fields’ and then ‘Create new field.’
  • Under the ‘Custom’ section, you’ll find the hidden field type. Select it and complete the necessary steps, including setting a label (important: note down the label name).

Step 7: Modify the Module

  • Open the .module file in your IDE within the custom module folder.
  • Find the switch-case structure and paste the label name you noted earlier. Save the file.

Step 8: Flush the Cache in Drupal

  • Return to your Drupal admin panel and flush the cache.

Step 9: Test the Hidden Field

  • Add a new post, and you’ll see that the input field is hidden. However, the label name is still visible.

Step 10: Hide the Label

  • To hide the label, go to ‘Structure’ > ‘Content types,’ select your content type, and click ‘Manage fields.’
  • Then, go to ‘Manage display’ and find your hidden field. Disable it.

If you’re not clear on any of the steps, feel free to watch the full video tutorial where you can see each step in action.


Creating hidden fields in Drupal can be a big help in web development. It might sound tricky, but we’ve shown you how it’s done. You can use hidden fields to make your website better.

You’ve learned how to add these hidden fields, customize them, and make them work for you. It’s like having secret tools that make your site cooler and more useful.

As you practice and explore more, you’ll get even better at it. Don’t forget to ask questions if you need help. You’re on your way to becoming a Drupal pro!

We hope this guide helped you. Now you can use hidden fields to make your websites awesome. Keep coding, keep building, and enjoy your journey with Drupal!

If you have questions or want to share your experiences, just leave a comment. We’d love to hear from you.

Thanks for reading, and happy web development!

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